CarlersBiology Assignment 1 Chinese Assignment 1 |
Friday, 22 April 2011
A Angler fish lives more than a mile deep in ocean,there are also more then 200 species of angler fishes all name after fishing methods. The deep sea angler fish is even stranger in appearance than just the photopore hanging in front of its head. It is also basketball shaped and round enough with a big mouth that it looks like it is possible to swallow a huge ball. The teeth of the deep sea angler fish are scarier looking than those of a shark and look like fangs. This deep sea angler fish is indeed ugly and because of its appearance it has been nicknamed "common black devil." Although this fish sounds and looks really scary, it is actually pretty small. The biggest the deep sea angler fish will ever reach is five inches long. That is a very small body for such a big mouth! The most interesting thing about the deep sea angler fish is of cause the lighted lure. When the anglerfish is looking for food it uses its special lighted lure to attract them. The anglerfish is able to move its spine, which is connected to the lure, in any direction necessary, while remaining completely still. It moves its lure back and forth attracting the prey until it is close enough to attack. When the prey is in close range the angler fish bites with its sharp teeth and swallows the fish whole! Here is a video to show you how the deep sea angler fish uses its lure to get food. Breeding habits How the angler fish breed is really unusual and interesting.once the male angler fish is mature and no longer able to feed my itself then is either he die or look for a female angler fish,and why look for a female angler fish ? the weird thing about angler fish is that the male NEEDS the female!it can never be independent! so the female angler fish is like the wonderwomen(:okay,so once the male look for the female angler fish his mouth bits on her skin and the bloodstreams of the two fish connect together now the male fish totally depends on the female for nourishment.In fact ,the male begins to degenerate ,his eyes will grow smaller till it eventually disappear ,his internal organs disappear .the only source left is his sperm.breeding for angler fish takes place from spring to early summer. The egg mass forms large gelatinous sheets 9m by 3m in size, which floats near the surface. Juveniles are planktonic, with noticeably elongated fin rays. Diet An anglerfish eats crustaceans and other smaller fishes. An anglerfish eats by using the lure on the end of its "fishing pole". This lure lights up by using the bacteria around it to create a bioluminescent light. When this light is lit up fish see it and think it is the poop that came from up top, because when other fish from up top poop it comes down and catches bacteria and starts glowing. The anglerfish pretends its lure is a piece of poop that glows and small fish come to it and get eaten by the anglerfish. Food chain Did you know? This fish is found worldwide in near freezing water more than 3,000 feet below the surface. The taste and texture of anglerfish are similar to lobster Thursday, 17 March 2011
Chinese Assignment 1) 从这部电影中,你了解到语言带有怎样的威力? 语言可以带来希望,找就他人是有胖望,有故望。语言也可以让人敢到此望火决王,死人此持久身的一念就陆电影中的小女孩一样。 2 ) 你认为现今的年轻人是否了解他们所说的话举足轻重? 现在的年轻人不了解,说话没有经过世相,也说话。 何以见得? 就比如在飞机上不能说有炸弹,因为人家会无会我。 3)你是否想过改变自己说的方式?为什么? 没有,应为我决的我说的话没有错。 I seriously dont know if the words that i was trying to type was correct,sorry. Thursday, 17 February 2011
Differences between Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells To understand more about the name of these cells,'karyose' comes from a greek words which means 'kernel' 'Pro' meaning 'before' and 'Eu' means 'true'.so now the word Prokaryotic means 'before a nucleus',Eukaryotic means 'processing a nucleus'. One of the difference you can see that is obvious is definetly the size, Eukayotic cells are the largest cells and it is 10 times bigger than the Prokaryotic cells, the Eukaryotic cell has two nucleus to sequester the DNA-related functions of the big Eukaryotic cell to a smaller chamber.the Prokaryotic cell does not need this function as it is smaller and everything related to the cell are very close together. ( The Second difference about the 2 cells are that Eukaryotic DNA is linear and Prokaryotic DNA is circular. |